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Sign. Andreyko - how to get rid of suicidal thoughts?

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Hi. sorry, I'm only in English. Sometimes I have to think a lot about suicide. Logically, I don't want to do this. but sometimes I have a strong destructive feeling. or just remind about such a feeling and think how to stop myself. or have a mix of that felling. how i can save me from that kind of thinking



Suicidal thoughts or feelings can, just like you describe, vary from a somewhat abstract  thought about suicide or it can be the feeling that friends and family would be better off without me in the world. Sometimes these thoughts also extend to methods or making clear plans on how to end your own life. To have these thoughts on suicide can be scary and very confusing and hard to deal with. If these thoughts and feelings come often, it`s not unusual that it becomes hard to carry on with the daily life and chores. Remember, you are not alone, a lot of people experience suicidal thoughts at some point in their lifetime, but with help and support most of them go on to live good & fulfilling lives.

Suicidal thoughts are not something that you should keep to yourself. Help & Support are keyword here! You need to tell somebody about these feelings! The sooner you tell somebody about how you feel the quicker you can get help and begin to feel better! Tell someone close to you, maybe a good friend or a coworker that you trust. To be able to tell another person, to be able to put all the scary thoughts into words to someone who listens are often the first step in the recovery process.You can also call a helpline, anonymously and in confidence, this one in english: https://mieli.fi/en/support-and-help/crisis-helpline/  

Always seek professional help and support at your local health care center, if you have suicidal thoughts often and on a longer period: https://www.ahs.ax/patienter/alla-mottagningar-och-avdelningar/mental-halsa


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